Long coated Akitas are believed to be a throw back to a now extinct dog called a Karafutu dog which was introduced into Akita bloodlines many years ago by the Japanese breeders.
Japan has a diverse climate and the northern prefectures are very cold, so to increase the coat density of a normally coated Akita they introduced the bloodlines of this beautiful breed.
The long coat akita puppy is slightly bigger boned than normal, more eager to please and has a very very kind and loving disposition, making them a perfect family pet.
They are unique, quite rare and admired by everyone who sees them. Their coat is slightly longer than a normally coated Akita and takes a little more grooming and attention. The advantage is that they love to be groomed and will often preen you back. This creates a loving permanent bond between you and the dog. Long coat akita puppies are stunning.
One thing I can say about long coats is that no owner has ever been displeased with them and the owners have always wanted another. We rarely produce longcoats but here are a few pictures.