I started showing about 1976 when I bought our first Old English Sheepdog. These dogs were shown successfully making up four Champions in the breed, all bred by the late Pat and Vic Guest of the 'Lamacres' affix. Pat & Vic were my mentors, they taught me about showing dogs and more. They were great characters around the show ring and I still miss them. 
The next breed shown were Rottweilers and I don't really know how I came to get one. Most of the show stock were from Pat & Les Price of the famous Jagen affix. We won well at championship show level taking Challenge Certificates with three dogs but only co owned one Champion which was Ir Champion Baron Jack. Jack was bred by & co owned with Gerrard O'Shea, who now lives in Europe.
In the early eighties there was a lot of controversy about the docking campaign and I thought that if I had to own a Rottweiler with a tail then I wouldn't want to. Akitas had just been introduced in to the country and I saw a big breed, having a tail but as it was curled over the back it looked neat & tidy.
I fell in love with the breed and a lot of friends in Rottweilers and Dobermanns were also into the breed. I bought my first Akita from Ingrid Hamlet, Teldale Magic Moments at Farmbrook, she was by Kosho Kis Song for Adam and Kiskas Acacia. A red & white pinto she was the foundation of my breeding stock, she won Best of Breed at Championship Shows before the time of CCs.
My second Akita was again from Ingrid - Teldale Tabasco at Farmbrook he was a top winning dog of his time and was the first ever Junior Warrant Winner in the breed. He was by Katokaze Crusher of Katai at Overhill, out of Kiskas Acacia. The only other bitch that we bought in was Vormund Firefly at Farmbrook. Although our lines are now predominantly based on the Goshen & Redwitch breeding these old dogs still figure in our pedigrees. At about this time we also owned a Yorlanders Rottweiler bred by Cath & Brian Hindley, Cath owed me a puppy rottweiler from one of her Champion bitches but when the time came I saw that she had a litter of Shiba Inu puppies, I fell in love with them and took one instead of the rottweiler. This was Yorlanders Sallyanne my foundation bitch, which all my shibas and many other winning shibas evolve.
I still own shibas and again bred the first ever Junior Warrant Winner Farmbrook Red Hot Lover (Roger). He was sold to a friend who showed him and gained this title. I lost contact with these friends and 12 years later received a call from Gill Bingham to tell me that
there was a 12 year old Shiba in rescue called Roger.
Apparently he had been sold due to a marriage breakdown to an old couple.
Unfortunately his second owners had died and he ended up in rescue. We had Roger back from rescue and still have him today at 14 years old. He's a bit deaf and loses the plot when the akita bitches are in season - but he's a great house dog that fate bought back home to us.
We have well over two decades of experience in breeding and showing Akitas,
an experience we are always willing to share!